TOP 10 Social Media Websites for Digital and Traditional Artists

2020 There are many social media websites for Digital and Traditional Artists. I have summarized the most important ones that I consider important for digital artists and traditional artists.
1. Artstation for Artists
Present your art profile. Artstation offers one of the most professional ways to present your own artworks. Artstation is a very modern website with many more features and even an internal shop where you can sell your artworks directly. Artstation has also special features like 3d views 360 panoramas which are great to present 3d artworks visually. If you have already made your first steps in the industry and are looking for a job in this field, the platform is a very good way to have a professional platform.
2. Facebook for Artists
Facebook is still one of the largest platforms. Especially the artist scene is well represented there. As a digital artist i am very active on facebook. There are a lot of facebook groups for traditional and digital artists and yes these groups are very active i dont talk about dead groups. I can only recommend to participate in groups and add interesting artists.
3. Instagram for Artists
With instagram i have made different experiences. Since 2014 i am registered on instagram and have reached 8.000 followers so far. Unfortunately since 2018 i’m less and less active on instagram because i rarely paint and don’t create many artworks. Nevertheless instagram is a good possibility to publish your works and get feedback. In my opinion instagram is more and more becoming a pure source of inspiration for pictures and interesting stuff like pinterest.
4. Pinterest for Artists
Pinterest has become one of my favourite platforms. not only because you can get a lot of inspiration there, but also because you can become one yourself if you invest a lot of time in it. to show your own work to a wide audience pinterest is a great opportunity. But it is important to think about how to write on pinterest. Pay special attention to using hashtags and assigning categories to your pinboard. You are welcome to have a look at my Pinterest page to get an idea of how I have implemented it.
5. Twitter for Artists
Twitter is another way to increase your reach and show your work to others. to build up a reach on twitter you need a lot of time and patience. Like on any other social platform you have to interact with others. twitter is a little bit more special, because in my opinion you have to be known in advance to get a certain number of followers on twitter. To get attention on twitter from zero is very difficult.
6. DeviantArt for Artists
Devianart is one of the first art communities for many people who are known today. Deviantart is especially great for young artists because you can publish anything and everything there.
7. Behance for Artists
Behance is the social network for creatives of just about every field and discipline. You can network with your creative peers, get artistic feedback, message other creatives. Behance is a subplatform from adobe. Behance is rather one of the former platforms for designers and illustrators. Especially for those who want to build up a portfolio for future jobs and presentations. But it never hurts to be part of the network.
8. Tumblr for Artists
Tumblr is a free website where every user can run their own blog. Which content is uploaded is up to each user. From life stories to photo albums you will find many Tumblr blogs on the web. Similar to Facebook, you can publish pictures, videos and texts. If other users follow your blog, the latest posts are always displayed on their home page. But you don’t have to have your own blog on Tumblr, you can just follow other blogs. Viewing individual blogs is also possible without an account. Tumblr is a great way to publish own works.
9. We Heart It for Artists
Similarities to Instagram, you can upload pictures yourself and also view those of friends and strangers. If you like a photo, you can “cure” or “heart” it by clicking on it. This is the counterpart to “licking” on Facebook. Just like with Instagram, you can also follow certain people. For sharing Artworks its in my opinion a great tool. As example you can Use your instagram Link from a image you posted last time and can post it also on We heart it.
10. Aminoapps Art for Artists
Amino is a bunch of different communities, for example: Current TV shows, music performances, or your art. Some of the larger and most popular communities also have their own app for iOS and Android. There is actually no app that only specializes in art, but there is Art Amino that fills this gap.